Manifesting heart break...

Heartbreak actually breaks you. It sucks the soul out of your body. You live, but you don't feel alive. You carry on with your life but the purpose is missing. You walk on the path, but there is no destination.  You become numb, sometimes lifeless, some people also start suffering from memory loss (if they have been in completely abusive long term relationship). Abuse doesn't have to be only on physical level. Emotional trauma, emotional unavailability, extreme emotional torture, too much controlling is also considered as an abuse. The trauma is so deep that some times it may take life long to recover from the traumatic experience, associated memories, feelings and emotions. 

No body likes heartbreak, no body wants to manifest emotional abuse, the situation where you live just because you are carrying a soul in your body but actually you are dead within. The amount of pain, sadness, grief, suffocation, helplessness, hopelessness a person feel is beyond any measure. No body wants to feel or go through this. 

For some people moving on is easy, for some it's not. Why? 

Do we like heartbreak? No, of course not. Do we choose getting betrayed, cheated, heartbreak. May be yes! How??

No body wants traumatic relationship and the experience related to this. But on Soul level we choose to go through the experience. An experience which will make us strong, which will make us grow, which will improve something within and will transform our whole life. This relation push us to become the better version of ourselves. For example if the learning of the SOUL is to be a patient, that soul will attract a partner who will actually give a hard time to develop patience. If the SOUL wants to experience poverty, the SOUL will take birth to the family and will attract the same SOUL as a partner and will go through the experience till that soul has faced it and experienced it on all the level. 

Sometimes SOUL lessons are extremely tough. In this case the person will not be able to let go off the partner. The emotions, time, money, body, spirit everything is invested in this relationship. God forbid if the Soul's lesson is to experience detachment the other person will give all the sufferings just to learn the lesson on how to be detached.

But when the Soul takes birth on planet earth it forget about the soul level contracts and start operating from human emotions and when the learning start soul feel miserable. We (as a soul)  feel the other person has ruined our life but actually it was our soul level plan and the other person plays the perfect role to get the learning so that we don't have to do that over and over again.

Some souls keep repeating the same learning and will reincarnate over and over again because they did not learn the lesson. When people come to me for the therapies, many of them explore the same partner is many past life with the same experience, the only difference they see sometimes the role-play is different. For example sometimes the male is perpetrator and the female is victim. Sometimes it's apposite of this, depending on karmic baggage. (karmic baggage is completely different story which I will cover some other time).

 For example if your soul level plan or learning lesson is to operate in a detached manner, you will tend to attract a partner who will make sure that you learn to be a detached person. But again it doesn't mean that you should go through the sufferings, not at all. It simply means to take charge of your emotions and start managing yourself in such a way where you don't get bothered by someone else's behavior.

This journey of a Soul is from being stuck to feel liberated. 

In any relationship attachment beyond your control is karmic. It can also be with your family, siblings, friends, specially the close one. 

And because of this it's very important to observe the pattern of your relationship. How's your relation with your mother? your Father? 

Because at some point you are going to attract the same patter in your partner as well. 

Most of the time our baggage from Past life plays important role in our relationship. People who will beat you down to the level which you can not even imagine, are called your karmic obsessors. 

But, if you become aware, this pattern can break. This suffering can end, the pain can heal. All you have to understand why is this happening to me? If you blame other for your situation you won't ever be able to figure out what needs to be addressed. The more you become aware the more easy it will be to heal yourself. Acknowledge what's happening and understand that the other person is just playing a role which your soul was looking for. 

Once you start the journey to understand, evolve, grow, you will be surprise to discover a completely different personality of you. You will be able to take stand for yourself, make healthy boundaries, put yourself as your priority. You will be able to understand the concept of attached yet detached. 
